
Monday, February 16, 2004

I have been tying to build a simple app (using VB.net) which lets a user index (in a similar manner to web logs) files which they have on their system. One problem I had was how to access the properties which are associated with an MS Office document (i.e. Title, Author etc.). This article provided the answer. You have to first download a DLL, dsofile.dll, from MS:

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Unit Testing and Mock Objects

One of the problems in writing unit tests is that often subsystems/objects need to be simulated in order to run the test. The current answer for the test infected is to use mock objects. This article in ONJava.com gives a review of what is currently happening in this area. It is interesting to see that the unit testing community is (slowly) moving towards a concept that has always been used in the chip industry, namely "Design for Test". The article ends with the hope that Aspect Orientated Programming (AOP) can make this all easier.
Architecture Description Languages

The home page for the Architecture Description Markup Language (ADML)

ADML is "a Standard XML-Based Language for Describing Software Architectures to Enable Their Representation, Evaluation, and Analysis".
Enterprise Architecture

A list of Enterprise Architecture Tools from the Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments (IFEAD)

Includes details on the Metis toolset (" ..a family of client and server products for creating, visualizing, changing, sharing and managing visual enterprise models ...") which Andreas was talking about,

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Extracting HTML Links

Could use httpunit

To fetch all links of a given URL use the following (from the cookbook):

WebConversation wc = new WebConversation();
WebResponse resp = wc.getResponse( "http://www.httpunit.org/doc/cookbook.html" ); // read this page
WebLink[] links = resp.getLinks(); // find the links
links[0].click(); // follow first

The class WebLink has methods such as " asText(), getURLString(), ..."

httpunit is able to cope with javascript within the pages.

Instead could use the HTMLEditorKit from Swing. See

More RSS

The goal of the Informa Project is to provide a RSS (Rich Site Summary) library based on the Java Platform

This article shows how to to use RSS with JSPs. Possibly transportable to Java.

RSS4j is a toolkit designed to generate and parse standards-conformant RSS
Topic Maps

Nexist is being developed based on a few hypotheses regarding Topic Maps (XTM) as an interface to a collaborative knowledge repository system. Nexist is a reference implementation for further collaborative development.

The goal of the TM4J Project is to develop robust, open-source tools for creating, manipulating and publishing topic maps

SemanText is a prototype application developed (in Phyton) to demonstrate how the topic map standard (ISO/IEC 13250:2000) can be used to represent semantic networks. Semantic networks are a building block for artificial intelligence applications such as inference engines and expert systems.

Showing that RDF and Topic Maps don't really go together (yet?)

xmlhack: Representing XML Topic Maps as RDF

What is RDF?

XML.com: What is RDF? [Jan. 24, 2001]
Topic Maps
General Article on topic maps
XML.com: What Are Topic Maps? [Sep. 11, 2002]

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Web Service Management

This tool has an interesting non-evasive approach to WSM and is a technique which could be used in any integration architecture (WS or not)

This is an interesting site

Loosely Coupled home page - on-demand web services for business

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Service Orientated Architectures

What to look out for in designing a service in a SOA. The whole site is full of definitions of what constitutes a SOA.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

COTS Costs

This is an interesting project trying to determine the true cost of using COTS

Monday, February 02, 2004

A critical comment on what grid computing is (or should be)

Utility misconceptions - Loosely Coupled weblog, Jan 30th 2004 4:27pm
General technology market article about grid computing

InfoWorld: Getting down to grid computing: January 16, 2004: By Ed Scannell: Platforms: "Getting down to grid computing
Vendors are pushing ahead, but are IT leaders ready?"

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